Forms of teachers’ empowerment:
to Gansle (2012) empowering employees to make their own key decisions on how
work should be performed is key to the success of any company. Employee
empowerment means giving each worker the support he needs to make key decisions
on his own and to become more
productive, motivated team player. This management
technique has been effectively implemented in offices around the world and has
led to vast changes in the way employees communicate with both their bosses and
their co workers. In support of the above view, Ocho (2009) stated that
employee empowerment can take many forms, including group communication,
self-esteem and contributory resources.(a) Group Communication:
order for a group to run successfully, communication is the key. Communication breakdowns
often lead to chaos and loss of productivity. Effective communication is very
necessary in empowering and motivating workers.
(b) Self- Esteem:
workers according to Ocho (2009) have high self- esteem while others find it
difficult in discovering their value within the group. Managers who create an atmosphere
of positive reinforcement using the democratic management technique typically
find that getting to know the strengths
and weaknesses of each employee helps
them in determining how to raise employee
self-esteem. For example, if the person is shy, the manger can bolster confidence
by assigning the worker to lead a small group session. The manager can then
move the worker up to larger group sessions as the person feels move able to
take on additional leadership roles.
(c) Contributory Resources:
In order to empower employees to become
more productive, knowledgeable and efficient in their contributions to the
group at large, it is very important to give them the tools and resources they
need. It is necessary to establish and maintain a library of training resources
to include DVDs and books; Offer to pay for outside soft ware and continuing
education courses. Also provide office supplies that make each employee more
empowered and productive such as white boards and project management software.
In addition, Ogba (2010) identified six
methods to empower employees. He explained these methods as follows:
(a) Demonstrate that you value people:
No matter how an employee is performing
on his or her current task, your value tor the employee as a human being should
never falter and always be visible.
Share leadership vision:
Help people feel that they are part of
something bigger than themselves and their individual job. Do this by making
sure they know and have access to the organization’s overall mission, vision,
and strategic plans. Susan M. (2012) stated that management should learn to
include employees in the actual planning on the product and department level
and ask for their input on the overall plan. They will own the direction and
surprise you with their commitment and competency.
(c) Share Goals and Direction
When possible, involve employees in goal
setting and planning. They add value, knowledge,
ideas, insight and experience that you would not find on your senior team. At the very least, involve
them in goal setting at the department level and share the most important goals and direction
for your group. With the help of your
employees, make progress on goals measurable and observable, or ascertain that
you have shared your picture of a positive out come with the people responsible
for accomplishing the results
(d) Provide frequent feedback:
Provide frequent feedback so that people
know how they are doing. Sometimes, the
purpose of feedback is reward and recognition as well as improvement coaching.
People deserve your constructive feedback, too, so that they can continue to
develop their knowledge and skills.
(e) Solve problems: Do not pinpoint people
when a problem occurs, ask what is wrong with the system that caused the people
to fail, not what is wrong with the people. Seek to identify and punish the
Reflecting on the above methods
of employee’s empowerment and their roles to the realization of government
policies and programmes, Oduma (20014) observed
that, motivating employees is a constant challenge in today’s work place but
this is a challenge that must be met on a daily basis. Every CEO knows the
value of a highly motivated work force, they work longer, harder and better,
numerous employees’ engagement surveys attest to this fact. The above
observation could also contribute to the processes of formulation and
implementation of teacher’s empowerment policy in the post- primary school
education management boar activities.
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