Saturday, 14 July 2018

Education Laws of Enugu state

Education Laws of Enugu state:

The 2007 education laws of Enugu state offer the legal backing to teacher’s motivation, professional growth and development. The survival of any society said legal practitioners is essentially dependent on the body of legal rules governing it. 

According to Agbakoba (2010) laws provide the legal, moral, social and the normative frame work on which policies that guide human behaviors, actions and conducts are being promulgated. He further stated that, in education, law involves those areas of jurisprudence that focus on educational principles and practices. 
The point here is that, education laws are established to guide the activities or operations of public and private primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions. Thus, the implementation of teacher’s empowerment policies in line with the laid down criteria is one of such educational laws or the application of law to educational policies and programmes.
It is imperative to state here that, education law (s) is of great significance to school administration and teachers since issues relating to law and education are aimed at establishing peaceful, stable and organized human societies. Every educational administrator or teacher should as a matter of utmost significance be fully informed of his rights and those of others as that will contribute greatly to the realization of the national educational policies and also the empowerment of teachers. 
To Ezeocha (2009), most teachers are not aware of their rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities. Many of them are ignorant of the rules and regulations governing their employment and the school system and these results in low teacher’s productivity and absence of teacher’s empowerment programmes.

2.1.9    The Contents of the 2007 Education Laws of Enugu State:-

This law came into force on the 1st of March 2007. It established an education board as Enugu state post primary schools management board. This board consists of a chairman, who is generally called chairman of hoard. 
He is the chief executive and accounting officer of the board, four members, two who shall be on full time basis and the other two appointed on part-time basis to represent various interests and professions and a secretary. 
The chairman and part-time members of the Board shall hold office subject to the pleasure of the Governor for a period of three years and -thereafter shall be eligible for reappointment for a further period of two years. The education laws l925 CAP. 67 state.
The functions of the board as follows:
a)         The management and control of all post-primary schools and institutions that is state schools according the education law.
b)         Appointments, promotions, postings and transfers of all cadres in the post-primary schools and ‘institutions including principals and vice-principals of schools and institutions.
c)         Appointments, promotions, posting and transfers of other staff of the board.
d)         The establishment of conditions of service for the post-primary schools system, subject to approval by the commissioner.
e)         Payment of personal emoluments to all staff of the post-primary schools management board.
f)         Staff development matters including approval for study leave with pay and special leave.
g)         Overall disciplinary control of the staff of the board and post-primary schools and institutions.
h)         Appointments and promotions of principals and vice-principal of post-primary schools and institutions where the financial  implications have been cleared and approved by the Governor.
i)          Posting and transfers of principal and vice- principals in post-primary schools
j)          Inter-zonal transfer and posting of all staff of the board
k)         Preparation, collation and recommendation to the commissioner on the budget of the board.
l)          Award of contracts within the existing state tenders board regulations.
m)        Delegation to any post-primary zonal office such functions as the board may deem it, provided that the board may resume at any time the exercise of any functions so delegated.
n)         Placement of first year students and transfers of students in post-primary schools and institutions owned by the government, subject to regulations laid down by the ministry.
o)         Responsibility for the collection and rendering of account of all approved revenue in post-primary schools in the state.
p)         Periodic and regular supervision of all post-primary schools in the state.
q)         Responsibility for confirmation of appointment, conversion, upgrading and reinstatement matters.
r)          The Board shall maintain the nominal roll of staff in the various zones and keep personal and secret files of all staff.
s)         The Board may do all acts appear to it necessary for the proper performance of its functions under this law.
Teachers’ empowerment policies are basically designed to ensure proper development and motivation of teachers. They are designed to enhance professional growth and development of teachers as principal agents of transformation in the educational sector. 

Thus, the Enugu State Post-primary schools Management Board control those schemes and policies that are designed to promote teachers productivity, teacher s motivation and growth. The Board controls such schemes as:
a)          Preparation of annual budgets for post-primary schools in the zone.
b)        Allocation of funds and distribution of equipment to post-primary  schools within the Zone.

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