The study was designed to evaluate “Pubertal Experiences and Menstrual Knowledge of Adolescent Secondary School Girls in Abakaliki Metropolis”; using a standard questionnaire
interview method. This questionnaire was designed to comprise of two components; namely’ social demographic section and menstrual knowledge and pubertal experiences section; with a total of 28 items.
This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. This study was carried out in selected secondary schools in Abakaliki Metropolis, located in the Northern part of Ebonyi State (southeastern region) of Nigeria. Abakaliki is the largest city in Ebonyi State with a land mass of 20,570sqkm, with annual rainfall of 1300mm and average temperature of 30oC.
The samples of study were adolescent girls selected at random from two secondary schools. The two secondary schools were the “Urban Community Secondary school” and “Standard Secondary School” located at Okpaugwu and Mgbabor Community respectively. A sample of 200 adolescent girls in the age range between 9 and 19 years participated in the study.
The questionnaire was administrated to the participants in the chosen schools and these questionnaires were completed anonymously within classroom setting and were overseen by the study researcher. Girls were asked questions with respect to their personal demographic details, such as age at menarche, menstrual cycle length in days and whether they experience any menstrual problems. They were also asked to indicate whether they take drugs for their menstrual problems or not. They were also asked to indicate the materials they use as absorbent and their source of awareness.
Descriptive analyses were conducted to determine frequency distribution of the study variables. Simple percentage count and the Microsoft excel 2007 package were also used in the analyses of data.
The demographic details of the respondents have been depicted in Table 1. This table revealed that majority of the girls had their menarche at the age of 12-13 years, 24.5% had their menarche at the age of 14-15 years, and 6.5% had theirs at the age of 10-11 years, while only 3% had their menarche at the age of 16-17 years. This table also revealed that most (67%) of the girls had their menarche during their junior secondary, while 0.5% had theirs during their senior secondary. The respondents from a Christian home have (99%) the highest frequency compared to those from Muslim with just 1%. The distribution of girls by their present age have been depicted in Table 1, and the values obtained showed that majority of the girls (36.0%) were in the age group 12-13 years while the mean age was found to be 14.5 years, 34.5% were between age group 14-15 years while the least (2.0%) were between age range of 18-19 years. The distribution of girls based on their mother’s educational status as presented in Table 1, showed that majority of the participants (73.5%) to be educated, while only 26.5% of their mother were uneducated. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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