Wednesday 23 November 2016


This study was carried out to evaluate the pubertal experience and menstrual knowledge of adolescent females in secondary schools of Abakaliki metropolis. The main objective of the study is to unravel the major factors that engender the lack of premenstrual cognition and to determine the pubertal experience of major concern to adolescent females in Abakaliki metropolis, Ebonyi State. Two secondary schools were selected for this study within
Abakaliki metropolis ,with a total of 200 participants. The study was carried out using a structured questionnaire interview method. The result of the study indicated that Menstruation is the major pubertal experience agitating adolescent females in Abakaliki metropolis. More than half of the participants do not have a specific understanding of menstruation, while only 18% of the respondents considered menstruation to be an event that happens to the girl during puberty. Majority of the girls had their menarche while in junior secondary class, while 32.5% girls had their menarche while in their primary class. 

Title Page - - - - - - - - - - - - i
Certification - - - - - - - - - - - - ii
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - - - iii
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - - - iv
Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - v
1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - 1
1.2 Project Objectives - - - - - - - - - -
1.3  Research Aim - - - - - - - - - - -
2.1 Puberty - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.2 The Role of Education - - - - - - - - - -
2.2.1 Effect of Menstruation on Girls and their Education - - - - - -
2.2.1 Effect of Environment on Puberty/ Menstrual Hygiene - - - - -
2.2.2 Menstrual Hygiene and Waste Management - - - - - - -
3.1 Research Design - - - - - - - - - - -
3.2 Study Area - - - - - - - - - - -
3.3 Sampling Procedures - - - - - - - - - -
3.4 Data Analysis/ Statistics - - - - - - - - - -
Conclusion / Recommendation - - - - - - - - - -
Limitation of the Study and Future Directive - - - - - - -
References - - - - - - - - - - - -


One very important stage in human life span is the adolescence stage, which is marked by onset of puberty. Puberty usually comes with certain changes which encompass the physical, emotional and social facets of human life. It is at this stage that one crosses the line between childhood and adulthood (Alavi and Khosravi, 2009). Puberty has changes that can directly or indirectly affect the future of a girl and that of her children (Abdolahi et al., 2004). When the prospect of puberty is not known, this could result in certain challenges, which includes early sexual activity, dropping out of school, drug abuse, unsuccessful marriage, sexually transmitted diseases, psychosomatic and social problems.(Abdolahi et al., 2004 and Ahmadi et al., 2009).
Among every other pubertal experience, it has been observed that menarche is the most terrifying experience. Menarche is usually associated with various biological changes that encompass physiological, sexual, emotional and cognitive changes and many lead to pubertal mood disorders in teenagers. Changes such as socializing pattern, conviction and vision as well as teenagers altered understanding of themselves may be one of the culprits (Marano, 2007). 
 The development of a female child into an adult woman is a complex process. Puberty and the hormones that are responsible for the physical and psychological changes are generally viewed as a rough and often unpredictable storm that must be weathered by the surrounding adults.  However, there is interplay between the endocrine regulators and the end-organ responses to this hormonal symphony that leads to reproductive capacity and psychosocial maturation (Marano, 2007).
 Physically, female puberty is marked by accelerated growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Secondary sexual characteristics are those that distinguish two different sexes in a species, but are not directly part of the reproductive system (Marano, 2007). 
There are differences in timing and expression of maturation based on ethnicity, geography, and genetics. Other factors that can affect puberty are nutritional status and state of health of the individual can influence development. Being familiar with the spectrum that encompasses normal development is critical to identifying those rare cases when pathology is at the root of accelerated or absent pubertal signs, and for the frequent reassurance that young adults and their parents need to hear on the journey to womanhood (Ghahremani et al., 2008).
Many girls in our country lack appropriate and sufficient information regarding puberty and menstrual health; this is so because of the traditional, cultural or religious restrictions on discussing sexual and reproductive health and related issues. It is believed that it is a sin discussing sexual and reproductive health with adolescents because it is assumed to predispose them to sexual practices and immoralities.  The lack of this premenstrual formal and informal education can only result into incorrect and unhealthy behavior during their menstrual period instead. This is the rationale in which the present study is built upon.
To determine the level of knowledge of adolescent females about menstrual cycle and their practice and restrictions during menstruation.
To determine what factors influence their self care practice of menstrual hygiene.
To determine the pubertal experience of major importance among adolescent females.
Aim of the study was to assess the pubertal experience, knowledge and attitude towards menstruation among female adolescents in Abakaliki metropolis, Ebonyi State..........................................................................................................................................................................

Most research works, to this point, have centered much more on menstrual hygiene than on experience and knowledge however, similar studies have been done both in Nigeria and beyond. Malusu et al., (2014), in this their work, studied the perception of secondary school students towards menstruation in Kenya. They selected 32 students from a girl’s boarding school and used descriptive research design and naturalistic research approach to gather their data. They pointed out the need for knowledge in relation (or with regards to menstruation among secondary school girls. They found that most girls had negative attitudes rather than positive attitudes. 
A research in Baghdad, which looked into the knowledge and practice of adolescent females about menstruation, indicate that menstrual knowledge was poor, but, however   mothers’, influence contributes greatly to a good menstrual knowledge. 1084 females aged between 15-21years were selected from 10 randomly selected secondary schools   in different districts of Beghdad. A description cross sectional study was used in obtaining results. It was found that, majorly due to their mothers 36% had good menstrual knowledge. It was also found that food quantity or quality did not change in 36% during menstruation while 21% of girls consumed more fruits and vegetable. During this period physical activity were restricted (or reduced) in 84.2% of the girls. 22.6% of the girls did not take their both at all while 13.3% took their both after the first day (Sadiq et al., 2013).


Puberty is a key process, when it comes to human development into adulthood, and this usually involve the most rapid physical growth the human undergoes except for pre-natal and neonatal growth. (Brooks, 1988). 
The force behind puberty is hormonal changes and this is responsible for girls’ first menstrual experience (menarche), and boy’s first ejaculation (semenarche) (Brooks, 1988). The changes that occur during physical growth are usually accompanied by new and complex emotions, including sexual desire and gender identity. The differences that exist between boys and girls become pronounced (WHO and BzgA, 2010).
Young adolescent are able to integrate bodily changes into their self-identity, and to incorporate other responses to these changes into that self-identity. Peers become important at the onset of puberty as someone to talk to, and also, bonding between peers increases, reducing the relationship and closeness of the young with parents (Brooks, 1988). Puberty is also the time when adolescent increases their intellectual capacities and experience, moral development (WHO and BzgA, 2010).
Puberty means the onset of menstruation for considered a private issue, making it difficult to speak about it in public, for instance in classroom, many girls are not properly prepared.Studies show that a very high number of girls start menstruating without having any idea what is happening to them or why it is happening to them (Neginhal, 2010; Jothy and kalaiselve, 2012). Since it has become difficult for parents to speak of sensitive and sexual issues with their children, even while admitting it is also their responsibility , (Risi, 2000; Goldman, 2008). School usually have special role in puberty education. This role involves more than just educating girls, but also boys. 


The proper understanding of education equips one with the knowledge of the importance of puberty education. Adolescent should understand the profound change they are experiencing and be equipped with the skills to cope with it. Therefore, education enhances one’s life and makes sense of day-to-day realities in works by authors, researchers and practitioners all over the globe. It is from this tradition that we draw the mandate for the education sector to teach about puberty (Mérieu, 2002). 
The important of education gives us the basic importance of puberty education. Adolescents need to experience and be equipped with the skills to cope with it. Thus, education should develop the knowledge, attitudes, values and skill needed to live a healthy life (Mérieu, 2002). Those skills are usually focused at raising self-esteem and self-confidence, (Elliot, 1996), therefore helping young individual to resist peer pressure and increase their health-seeking behaviors. Teaching puberty in schools can help educate young adolescents in better understanding of themselves and deal with the changes they are experiencing, and this helps them to gain the self-esteem to overcome their every day challenges which they may be facing with teachers and peers in school. 
Adolescent also become one more conscious of socially- constructed myths and taboos that surrounds puberty, such as negative perception of menstruation or dismissal of emotion as un-masculine (Elliot, 1966). Without the right information, adolescents are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STI’S), unwanted pregnancies and abuse. Puberty education should also offer learners useful information on relationships, feelings, contraception and STD’s including HIV (Otieno, 2006).
Menstruation is a vital sign of reproductive health, yet the main massage is often that it is a problem that must be managed privately, with an implicit suggestion that it is unpleasant and shameful, and should be hidden. This portrayal of female puberty reinforces negative psychology repercussions on girls. At the same time, the lack of legitimating of female sexuality can implicitly suggest that girls who naturally experience awareness of their awakening sexuality do not have proper control of their bodies; this can lead to anxiety or self-doubt. Furthermore, it confines girls and women to traditional gender roles as future mothers (Otieno, 2006).
Adding the ‘pleasure’ dimension to girls’ puberty education brings balance and normalizes the issue. It can help girls to feel, and be perceived as, equal to men and to be more conscious of their sexuality and its implications in their life, beyond reproduction (Johnston-Robledo, 2013).
Male puberty, in contrast, is often exemplified as the onset of sexual desire and power that boys can enjoy (Wood, 1998). Erection and wet dreams, while also potentially embarrassing occurrences are not usually embedded in the same narrative of shame that girl’s experience. 
Overall, the studies of pubertal experience and menstrual knowledge of adolescents are very important. This work is therefore going to examine the different attitudinal reaction of adolescent secondary school girls in Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria.


Many myths and taboos still hover around menstruation and lead to negative attitudes towards this normal phenomenon and woman experiencing it. After menarche, girls are faced with the challenges related to management of menstruation (WHO and UNICEF 2013). World Bank statistics highlight shows absence of approximately 4 days every 4 weeks (World Bank, 2015). There are usually difficulties in measuring absenteeism and its causes especially when linked to menstruation. There are differing opinions on the impact of lack of menstrual hygiene in Nepal. It was reported that menstruation has a very small impact on school attendance, estimating that girls miss a total of 0.4% days in 180days of a school year, while improved sanitary technology had no effect on reducing this small gap (Oster and Thornton, 2010). In a randomized study, girls who used menstrual cup were no less likely to miss school during menstruation.
In a study in Ghana, 120 girls between the age of 12 and 18 were enrolled in a non-randomized trial of sanitary pad provision with education.  These girls either receive puberty education alone, puberty education and sanitary pads or nothing (the control group). After 3 months, providing pads with education significantly improved attendance for a similar level. The total improvement through pads with education intervention after five months was a 9% increase in attendance. Though the study was small-scaled, it indicated that puberty education even if accompanied by menstrual hygiene materials can have an impact on education. A larger scale cluster randomized trial to confirm the findings of the study has begun but its data is not currently available (Montgomety et al., 2012).

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