Tuesday 8 September 2015

Errors of Preposition

According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English says preposition is a word or group of words (e.g.) in, from, to, out, of, on, at, on behalf of, use before a noun or pronoun to show (e.g.) place, position, time or method.
Preposition are words that indicates the relationship between two entities in a sentences.
The relationship indicated may be in time or place E.g

a) Your bucket is behind the door
The preposition “behind” shows relationship between bucket and “door”
b) The man is at home  
The preposition “at” shows the relationship between the man and home.
 In formation of sentences, the choice of the preposition to be used depends on the position or location in mine, space or volume.
The use of English in communication by Showbomehin, T. (2000:118), a preposition is part of speech which helps us to know the relationship between two noun or pronoun in a sentence E.g.
a) My bag is on the table
b) My bag is under the table
c) My bag is beside the table
The preposition “on” under and beside” have helped us to know the various relationship existing between my bag and the table.
Other words that can function as preposition include into, across in, up, near, through, behind, of, by with beyond over underneath, beneath against at the back, and with regard to etc.
One of the chief functions of preposition is to make with the noun or pronoun that follows a phrase e.g. I look through the window (place). I worked on the music during the holiday time. This phrase is usually an adverb equivalent.
According to Osobase, G.G and Azugbene, S.E, (2002) errors in the use preposition can be seen below.
a) “Between” is sometimes used Helen the correct preposition should have been “after” or “among”.
Example “between” each time, there was irritating delay (wrong)
After each time there was irritating delay (right)
(ii) A quarrel broke out between three boys (wrong)
A quarrel book out among three boys (right)
(iii) The barbarians were obvious of indifferent to the woes at their victims (right)
b) Ending a sentence with preposition
A sentence ending with a preposition is wrong when it sounds harsh or raw awkward.
It is just as wrong as to stair a sentence by trying to avoid ending with a preposition.
For example; it is better to say, in what drawer did you put the money I lend you in them saying what drawer did you put the money I lend you in?
Similarly, I cannot think what smith is dreaming of is to be preferred to “I cannot think of what smith is dreaming.
Having gone through the written exercise of vanguard Nigerian newspaper, we noticed that they are still committing prepositional errors in their publication.
“As at the time of filling this report” vanguard 26, November, 2014
The correct expression which is actually a fixed prepositional phrase is “As of” not “As at”. This phrase has sadly penetrated deep into the conventions of Nigerian English in general.
We also found similar error in the written exercise of the “Guardian Newspaper whereby the journalist wrote, shout-at-sight-order. Instead of shoot on sight” which is also a preferred form is “shoot to kill”
An explicit awareness of the meaning of preposition will allow the teachers to isolate the main feature of the error and plan his teaching such a way to make tense differences clear to learners.

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