Saturday 6 January 2018

Criteria for Measuring Employee Performance

Criteria for Measuring Employee Performance
There are certain criteria for measuring employee performance. According to Ezeudu (2011) some of the criteria include:
  1. Effectiveness:

    Effectiveness is considered to be the “bottom line” of employee performance. Achieving the outcomes that represent an organizations mission and for which managers are accountable is one of the major ways of measuring employee performance. Effectiveness has to do with getting the desired result at any point in the organization operations.
  2. Efficiency:

    Employee efficiency is concerned with the resources the employee consumes to accomplish a task or produce an output or outcome. Resources can include materials, energy, time, money, facilities amongst others. To be more efficient is to complete a task, produce a product, or deliver a service using fewer resources than before. 
  3. Quality:

    Attention to quality is applicable everywhere in business organizations. It has to do with how closely the job or work an employee conforms to some specified requirement for “goodness”. A distinction can be made between internal and external quality.
    1. Internal Quality:

      This has to do with meeting performance requirements the organization sets for itself. Examples of poor internal quality are defective products made in production, errors in a document and mistakes made in completing a customer order   
    2. External Quality:

      This has to do with whether products and  services meet customer requirements. Examples of poor external quality are products returned by customers, rework needed to satisfy customers’ need and level of customer dissatisfaction.
  4. Timelessness:

    according to ugoji (2010), there are three measures of timelessness in employees’ performance
    1. Cycle time:

      Is the amount of time involved in performing a specific activity. Producing a batch of goods for inventory, filling and shipping a customer order, responding to an emergency call and resolving a client problems are examples of tasks that have cycle time. The ability of an employee to respond to all these in time and at when due can be used to measure his or her performance.
    2. Wait time:

      This is the time experienced by a customer waiting for a product or service. Examples of wait time are customers waiting to see a doctor, waiting for an order to be delivered, waiting for payment and waiting for an application to be accepted.
    3. Completion time:

      This has to do with whether a task is completed by a specified time, as in due date or deadline. Examples are orders delivered when they were promised, reports published by the due date, and program milestones being met.
  5. Finance:

    There are many measures of financial performance. In the business world, finance focuses on measures related to profitability because it is essential to survival and growth. But in government or non- profit organizations, finance focuses on stewardship in the management of funds, staying within budgets and ensuring adequate funding level.
  6. Workplace Environment:

    According to Umeogu (2011) this is sometimes referred to as organizational climate, the work place environment includes the physical amenities in the work place and the culture of the organization. But this research focuses on the culture of the organization. This has to do with the extent to which an employee holds the values and beliefs shared collectively by personnel regarding acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in the workplace.
It is also important to add that, employee performance can be measured by the employee’s level of experience access to information regarding his jobs responsibilities, effectiveness of communication and efficiency in service delivery.

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