
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Classroom Management in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

Ademola and Waheed (2006), described classroom organization as the orderliness in the way and manner the items found in the classroom are arranged by the classroom teacher. They also sates that classroom management implies the mobilization and organization of resources to achieve the expected objective of the school system. It involves the expected objective of the school system. It involves the utilization of material resources and security. The cooperation of people for performing the function of planning, organizing, directing and co-ordinating at classroom level by teachers. Teachers are classroom managers. They are expected to perform the managerial functions in the classroom to affect class size just like managers in other organizations.
Ozochi, (2008) outlined that class size effects both the teachers and students in many ways:

1.    Arrangement of Seats: Proper arrangement of seats can help the teachers control the class adequately. In the orderliness of a class, the teacher at a glance can see the entire class. It gives the teacher the opportunities to move in and out of the rows and column thereby making sure that the students are not engaging in activities different from the lesson. There should be enough space in between seats to allow for free movement in the class. This affects the class size because when the class is too large it will hamper the teacher’s movement in and out of the class and this affects student’s performance.
2.    Involvement: The teacher must ensure that every student is involved in the class activities. If only the bright students are permitted to either ask or answer questions in the class, the slow learners will enter into the shelves and become more frustrated as they are not catching with the lesson.
Therefore, a good teacher should strike balance between these categories of students by trying to understand the individual differences among these students and try to use it during teaching so that all will be involved in the classroom activities. When the class size is increased, this will hamper the teachers effort to involve all students, known your students. Teachers should personally have direct contacts with their students. By this act they should be able to appreciate students individual difference and also various socio-economic backgrounds which may likely affects their academic proficiencies in the classroom. This affect class size because when the class size increases the teacher cannot have direct contacts with their students because of large class size.
3.    Give Attention: Students expect that their teachers accord them the respect irrespective of the fact that they are students. In a large class size the teacher cannot interact with their students one-on-one, and this will definitely affect the teaching and learning processes. This affect class size because children in large classes spend less time activity interacting with their teachers in terms of responding or initiating.
Class size – The National Policy on Education revised (2004) stipulates the maximum number of pupils in each class to be between 30 – 40 pupils. For effectively teaching, teacher/student ratio should conform to this stipulated order. Today class size have bloated due to explosion of the population of children of school age and this affect teaching and learning especially in Maths classes. There is a limit to which a teacher can effectively control the class and that will affect the achievement of school objectives. This spared the research into carrying out this project on the effect of class size.
Abdullahi (2000) defines this term classroom management as what teacher do to create an atmosphere that ensure meaningful interaction between students and the teachers during teaching and learning processes. This system of interaction can be affected by some factors e.g. class size. In a large class (40 and above) for instance the classroom is congested that the teacher hardly see a place for his table and chair, let alone some space for the teachers to more round to supervise students work individually. This implies that individual attention is not possible. Highlighting the importance of individual attention Tyler (2001) asserted that: Experiment have shown that students who are given special practice in deciding are given special practice in deciding on relevant facts needed where and how to get then show greater improvement in learning to solve problems.
Ajeyalemi (2000) in his own contribution on class-size factor as it affects chemistry teachers observed that.
In most Nigerian chemistry classroom, the class-size is between 40 and 50. Apart from the demands of the large class size the typical chemistry teachers is often over-worried. When chemistry teachers are over-worked, then one can imagine the complexity of problems Mathematics teachers will run into where students have no option, irrespective of their interest, attitudes, capabilities and aptitude.
Abdullahi (2000) quoting Schaller and Wittich remarked that: Hearing, seeing, touching and listening are the gate way of human learning adding that thus believe that material meant for learning should be presented in a manner as to provide students with opportunity to become actively involved intellectually, perceptively and physically. In large class, the effectiveness of student participation can be better imagined the description. This is because the class will not only be noisy but crowdy. All in all, some students can hear, see and listen to the teacher especially those in the front row but the “black benchers” will no doubt be in a different world in the same classroom irrespective of the methods adopted by the teachers.

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