
Tuesday 4 June 2013



Research Method and Procedure

        This chapter is devoted to the method employed for data execution of this study. It covered: research design, population of the study, sample and sampling procedure, research instrument, validation of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Research Design

        This study adopted a survey research design. This is because the study sought the opinion of respondents on the factors militating against the effective teaching and learning of mathematics.

Population of the Study

        The population of the study consists of all the senior secondary school students in both public and private secondary schools in Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State.

Sample and Sampling Procedure

        The schools were stratified into private and public schools. 15 private and 15 public secondary schools were randomly selected from all the schools in the Local Government Area. From each of the selected schools, 16 students were randomly selected from all the schools, giving a sample size of 480 students that constituted the sample for the study.

Research Instrument

        The instrument used for the study was achievement test scores of the students in mathematics, obtained from the records section of the sampled schools.

Validation of the Instrument

        The achievement test scores have already been validated by the mathematics teachers; hence there was no need for further validation.

Reliability of the Instrument

        The achievement test scores were reliable since they tend to judge the position of the students academically with respect to their performance in mathematics.

Method of Data Collection

        The data collected were gathered through the score sheet of the sampled students in the schools.

Method of Data Analysis

        In analyzing the data collected, the researcher used t-test to answer the hypotheses.


Agbatogun, A.O. (2009). School Factors as Predictors of Junior Secondary School Students’ Attitude towards Schooling and Academic Achievement in Social Studies. An Unpublished M.Ed. Dissertation, Institute of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye.
Arigbabu, A.A. & Oludipe, D.I. (2004). Relationship between Prior Mathematics Knowledge and Students’ Academic Performance in Integrated Science. Journal of the Science Teachers’ Association, 39 (1&2), 52 – 55.
Broward County Public Schools (2006). Policy Statement: Public Vs Private Education. Published at Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, USA.
Bureau of Labour Statistics (2006). Secretaries and Administrative Assistants. Retrieved on 18th October, 2006 from
Eckstein, M.A. (1982). Comparative Study of Achievement. Reprinted with permission of Macmillan Library Reference USA, a Division of Simon & Schister Inc., from Encyclopedia of Education Research, 5th Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 323 – 329.
Glickman, C. (1991).  Pretending not to know what we know. Educational Leadership, 48, 4 – 10.


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