
Saturday 12 August 2017

Concept of information and communication technology

Information and communication technology can be regarded as those technologies that facilitate communication, processing and transmission of information by electronic means that embrace a multitude of other single communication devices such as telephone (mobile and fixes lines), television, radio audio, cassette or compact disc, recorders players,

Friday 11 August 2017

Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the influence performance of secretaries in government ministries 2

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Most government ministries seem to have lost sight of the importance of information and communication technology to the growth and development of the secretarial career. Some fails to understand that secretaries need information and communication technology to perform their jobs faster, better, accurately and precisely. Thus, Iwuamadi (2011)

Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the influence performance of secretaries in government ministries


This research titled impact of information and communication technology on the performance of secretaries in Ebonyi state government ministries was carried out to determine extent of the relevance of information and communication technologies in secretaries’ performance in government ministries and to determine the extent of availability of information and communication technologies in government ministries.