
Friday 22 April 2016

MTN Extends Customer's Care Service to Whatsapp

In the quest for an effective delivery of service to their customers and on time response to their customers need, MTN has extended their customer service care line to whatsapp.

They have lunched 5 dedicated numbers for their customers (MTN Users) to reach out and solve their problems. The Numbers are:


To chat with Mtn customer care representatives via WhatsApp, simply add any of the above numbers to your WhatsApp list and start chatting immediately with Mtn available customer care representative.
If you have tried Mtn WhatsApp channel to resolve your issues, kindly share your experience with us via the comment box below.


Wednesday 20 April 2016

How to Print NYSC Call-Up Letter

About Printing of call up Letter
The NYSC Call-up Letter has therefore been deployed to the prospective corp-members account. If you are Mobilized for the 2016/2017 NYSC and have dully registered for the exercise online, You can now go ahead to print your call-up letter online from your account following the steps described below:

Get your NYSC Call-Up Letter Online.

  • Go to NYSC portal at
  •  Login with your registered email and password,
  • Click on ‘Print Call Up Letter’ link to access and print your call-up letter.
By Now, you must have been dully informed that the NYSC Orientation Course have been shifted and the new Time Table is Show Here

Monday 18 April 2016

Fibroid tumors: What every woman must know

There probably isn't a woman alive who doesn't feel a wave of terror when her doctor mentions the word tumor. But when it's a fibroid tumor, experts say there is little to fear.
"There is virtually no threat of malignancy -- and there are a number of excellent treatment options, as well as the option to do nothing at all -- so there really is no reason to worry," says Steve Goldstein, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Medical Center.
 Fibroid tumors are composed of renegade muscle cells that come together to form a fibrous "knot" or "mass" within the uterus. Although all uterine fibroids are the same, they are categorized based on their location:

•Submucosal fibroids are located just under the uterine lining.
•Intramural fibroids lie between the muscles of the uterine wall.
•Subserol fibroids extend from the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity.

Fibroids most commonly occur between ages 30 and 40, with black women at greatest risk. To date, at least one genetic link has been identified, indicating that fibroids may also run in families.
For some women fibroids cause no symptoms, but when they do, doctors say problems often involve heavy menstrual periods and prolonged bleeding.
"They can also cause pelvic or abdominal pain or swelling and increased urination," says Aydin Arici, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Yale University School of Medicine.
Arici says that ultimately, it is a combination of your symptoms, the location of the fibroid, and the numbers and size, as well as your age and your childbearing potential, that help determine what your course of treatment should be.

the symptoms of fibroids?

Some women who have fibroids have no symptoms, or have only mild symptoms, while other women have more severe, disruptive symptoms. The following are the most common symptoms for uterine fibroids, however, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms of uterine fibroids may include:

•Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods
•Abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods
•Pelvic pain (caused as the tumor presses on pelvic organs)
•Frequent urination
•Low back pain
•Pain during intercourse
•A firm mass, often located near the middle of the pelvis, which can be felt by the physician

In some cases, the heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, or the abnormal bleeding between periods, can lead to iron-deficiency anemia, which also requires treatment.

Treatment Options: What You Should Know
In the not-too-distant past, doctors routinely performed a hysterectomy Hysterectomies involve the surgical removal of the entire uterus for fibroid tumors. And while newer, less-invasive treatments are available, studies show this dramatic operation is still being performed today -- far more frequently than necessary.

Now we now have a Natural Medications that shrink fibroids by reducing hormonal stimulation, if you are experiencing the above symptoms and wants to get yourself out of them; Visit this link for tips:

Friday 8 April 2016

How to keep your man active in the bedroom

You’ve served up a delicious meal crawling with every piece of his favourite meat, plunk a bottle of wine or his favourite tipple on the dining table, before cuddling up to him on the sofa as he switched on the TV. Today is bound to be the night you get a bit of rumpy-bumpy,

10 Steps to Writing a good and comprehensive Essay

For an Essay Writing, you do not have to be a genius to write a good essay. Following the steps below can get you to writing a good Essay.

Thursday 7 April 2016

ICT challenges for Physical Education

Challenges in ICT
To ensure effective use of ICT for effective teaching of Physical Education, there is need to:
1. Maximize the use of ICT in P.E based work
2. Develop the skills needed by P.E teachers to use Digital Image feedback effectively.

Concept of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The term, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to forms of technologies that are used to create, store, share or transmit, exchange information. This broad definition of ICT includes such technologies as: radio, television, video, DVD, telephone (both fixed line and mobile phones), satellite systems, computer and network hardware and software; as well as the equipment and services

Initial Training for Teachers of Primary and Health Education in Primary Schools.

Carnay and Howells (2008) support the views of Blair and Capel (2008) affirming that due to the lack of sine for physical education in initial teacher training, primary school teachers are not trained specialists in PE, This view is supported by Griffiths et al (2009) who claimed 40% of primary

Effective Teaching of Physical Education

As the majority of the research on effective teaching has been concentrated in traditional academic subject areas such as mathematics and language arts, physical educators were left to develop their own parallel research studies that were specific to their context. Hence, compared to most school subjects, physical education was a later arrival on the teacher effectiveness scene (Mawer, 1995). The major

Preliminaries to the Effective Teaching of Physical Education Through ICT

Statement of the Problem

Physical Education as a school subject is mostly taught by primary school teachers using the traditional approaches. These approaches based on the researcher’s observation and research findings by previous researchers in and outside the country (Vikas, 2012; Clive, 2004) have not

Effective Teaching of Physical Education Through ICT Among Generalist Trained Teachers in Elementary Schools


Background of the Study

Education of today is no longer the same with that of the past due to introduction and advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which has made the world a global village. Different Information and Communication

Hikes in Petrol Price - speak your mind

The geometrical increase in the price of the Petroleum product in Nigerian for the past 10 months can no longer be considered as a positive change. Yes we advocated for change but never did we no that the change is to this direction.
If the primary source of our livelihood in this country cannot be controlled even when the president is the minister of the said department, how then can we envisage a good and conducive governance.
How can we blame the past administrative for the cause of the problem. and if at all we should lay blame, then for how long shall we continue to blame before taking the bull by the horn. This is 10 Months for crying out loud.
From Electricity to Dollar, Dollar to Fuel and Maybe from Fuel to .............
Fuel Price is Sold at 250 in my Area, there are many cases of fights and Killings reported in many of the filling stations that is selling.

Let me Know your Feeling, Speak your mind. 
How much is Fuel sold at your end and 
How do you see this new government.

Friday 1 April 2016

MTN N150 Unlimted Data Promo Available For Selected SIM Cards

MTN Free Browsing
Now let talk about MTN N150 unlimited data for selected sim cards.
If your MTN Sim is among of  the lucky Sim cards. You might have received a message from MTN asking you to load N150 and enjoy unlimited browsing. You can as well try dialing the code just in case you think you might have missed the SMS.

To Know If Your Sim is Eligible

Dial *567*59#  and reply with 1 to activate it if you are eligible, hen you are good to go. Otherwise, you will receive a message that you are not eligible for the plan
Once your sim is eligible, your money will be deducted and you are free to enjoy unlimited browsing within 24hours.

Once you have used 500MB, you will receive a message that speed throttle has applied. Yeah, this is where we are going, just continue your reading...

Scope to Bypass the Throttling Limit

Make sure you load the N150 around 12:10am – 12:50am daily for maximum speed. Whenever you attain 500MB and you receive the speed throttle message, just ignore and keep flexing with your subscription, because as long as you dialed *567*59#, the speed throttle will not actually applied just that you may be receiving the pop-up messages continuously from MTN. Ignore the message and continue your unlimited browsing, just ensure that you do not leave much airtime on your sim.

Alternative Code to activate 500MB

You can also dial *661*2# to activate MTN Unlimited data Promo with N150, but the speed throttling after 500MB capped actually applies to this. So only use this, if dialing *567*59# code fails to work for you.


MTN Simple Server

This Service Can As well Run on Your Laptop. Find out Here

The game of unlimited free Browsing cannot be limited to PC users alone. sometimes you will be constrained to browsing in your house on your laptop when you have an android tablets or smartphones that you can carry about doing your thing.

I'm here to bridge the divide.

You can now use MTN BB10 subscription on your Android device, PC and Mac OS with the help of
a VPN called, Tweakware.

I'm pretty sure that most of us are already familiar with Tweakware VPN, this is just to let you know that Tweakware is the sure VPN for now, to enjoy unlimited surfing with MTN BB10 Plans, most stable and it connects very fast. Though Netloop and Psiphon are now working back with BB10 plans, but not stable and difficult to connect at-time.

For MTN BB10 Plans New Subscription Codes and Additional Working Proxy Servers, Check out this link for the detail:

Tweakware VPN Settings On Android, iOS, PC and Mac OS

Tweakware is a premium VPN and it is strongly advised that you buy the subscription if you want to enjoy it, but you can use tweakware VPN free of charge on Android device with a daily limit of 150mb on free servers.
How to Use Tweakware VPN on Android Device
The steps are as follows:
1. Download and install the latest Tweakware VPN
Play Store Link: Click Here

2. Make sure you have active MTN BB10 Plan, then launch the Tweakware app, go to settings, click on Bundled Settings, Tick use Bundled Setting, and select (NG MTN) BIS from the Bundled Settings list.

3. Now, enable your mobile data, then connect the Tweakware app and you will be online in a few seconds after it connects. I'm able to choose US server because i subscribed to their plan, if you do not have an account with them, you will have to choose their free server.

PC and Mac OS users, follow this link instruction to get it rolling:
Upgrading to Premium costs only #500 and gives access to all the servers without any daily limit.
It works for both MTN BB10 plans and etisalat social me/chat pak.

New working Settings for ProNET, Psiphon, Sypon Shield
Just set it as it's show in the below screenshot:

» Select more option, and uncheck Connect through an HTTP”
Save and Connect.

Settings for Simple Android Server (Now - NetLoop VPN)
» Download New simple serverv4.1 from Google Play Store. » Install and Open Netloop, then just goto Connection settings,
» Tick Enable Proxy, then enter the following
» Proxy Host:
» Proxy Port: 8080
» Then Tick Header Tweaking, select Tweak Type, choose “Host Replacement
Then input the the below Settings
» Injection Host: or
finally, go back and click on “Connect Button” That is all.
Tweakware VPN is the most stable of them all and it connects very fast.
If you are not yet subscribed for Monthly or weekly BB10 plans, please don't do so for now. It is advisable to use daily plan only, pending till all the issues will be resolved.