Tuesday 29 March 2016

Myths About Breast Feeding

Exclusive Breast FeedingA reason given by many mother for avoiding breastfeeding is flat if will spoilt their feels and cause the breast to sag. These two. Statements are untrue. A women who breastfeeds her baby does not need to stiff herself with food. The has already got a store of fat during pregnancy for this very purpose, which she can born up. Nor do mothers who feed their babies develop sagging breast. After a pregnancy the breasts is a little more mature and sift rather than being pointed and firm, but it will not sag, particularly if during the pverperium the mother wears a well fifty bra, day and night. 

Another myths is that breastfeeding “fries at” a mother. Although the care of a new baby does require energy and consequently, the mother should fake an increased quantity of milk (for Gallium), protein, Vegetables and fruits. Breastfeeding is probably less try than bottle-feeding. On breastfeeding all the mother has to do is put the baby to the breast if she “formula feed,” she has to propane the formula keep the milk sterile, whim it feed the baby, clean find that they are uncertain how to care for their baby and wrong about the child’s profess.
Some women find that when they breastfeed, their sexual arousal and desire are diminished. It is doubtful if this is due to lactation. Other women find breastfeeding sexually arousing and pleasurable. If it makes mother feel aroused do not feel guilty. Enjoy the feeling it is quite normal. With a helpful man, mother can enjoy both breast feeding and sex simultaneously or in sequence. 
The final myth is a particularly insidious one. This is that a woman who feels to breast feed her baby has failed as a mother. This is quite untrue. Breast feeding offers the most suitable milk for the baby into a close intimate contact but for psychologists to say that the bottle-feed baby is deprived and will be less stable and happy in later life is just stupid the mother can show how concern for the baby by caring for it as she feed it with the bottle and she can coddle it between feeds. If she furls to breast feed or decide not to breastfeed, she is not depriving her child and need not feel guilty.
Bottled-fed babies cannot be identified from breast feed babies in later life. 

Difficulties of Breast-Feeding              


If a mother determines to follow the plan of “demand feeding” it may be necessary to put the baby to the breast at regular intervals for the first three days. 

Cracked Nipples

In normal breast feeding, the infants grasps the aveok of the nipple and not the nipple it self. The nipples lies free on the baby’s mouth.    

Insufficient Milk Production

Fear, anxiety, pain, lack of privacy and unsympathetic can prevent the milk from passing along the ducts within the breasts. 

Menstruation and Lactation 

If the mother is breastfeeding menstruation does not usually return for about 24 weeks or six months, some 10 percent of women menstruate by 10 weeks after childbirth, 20 percent by 20 weeks, 60 percent by 30 week birth, but about 2 percent of lactating women ovulate before the time. 


Occasionally infection enters the lacfaty breast, usually produced through cracked nipples during second or third week of the puerperium. The breast become engorged hard, reddened, harder and painful, if this happens and mothers recognized it early, mother should feed her baby more often so that her breast does not become engorged with milk, which encourages the infection to become more severe. 

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